Q. What is a Homeowners Association (HOA)?
1. HOAs are the heart of the community, where memories are created every day. In addition to promoting healthy living and enhanced quality of life, your HOA creates opportunities to meet your neighbours and develop connections. Events and activities inspire social engagement and lead to increased community spirit.
Q. What is an encumbrance?
1. An encumbrance is an agreement that secures the payment of money (e.g. a rent charge) and is listed on a property’s Certificate of Title. Another common encumbrance on title is a mortgage.
Q. How much is the Symons Gate HOA encumbrance also called Annual Fees?
1. For the upcoming Fiscal Year April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2023, the Board of Directors have voted to reduce the Annual Fees to $80/year + GST = $84.00
Q. How often are the Symons Gate HOA fees collected?
1. Fee notices will be delivered (by email or mail) each year in March and are due April 1. Although Symons Gate HOA fees are considered due the first day of the fiscal year (April 1), residents have a 30-day grace period to settle their account. Accounts paid on or after May 1, 2022 are subject to interest charges of prime plus 5% per annum and other charges related to the collections of these fees.
Q. Why do I have the Symons Gate HOA encumbrance registered on my title?
A. The annual HOA fee is an encumbrance attached to the title of every property within the community of Symons Gate. The encumbrance fees support and fund the HOA in order to operate and maintain the HOA amenities and provide services for the lasting enjoyment of its members, Symons Gate residents.
Q. Who collects the Symons Gate HOA fees?
A. The HOA fees are collected by the Symons Gate HOA.
Q. Is the Symons Gate HOA a not-for-profit?
A. Yes, the Symons Gate HOA is a not-for-profit company, registered under the Alberta Companies Act.
Q. How is the Symons Gate HOA operated?
A. A professional staff manages and operates the HOA. The HOA is governed by both bylaws and a Board of Directors, which is comprised of Symons Gate residents. The Board is currently made up of 6 Resident Directors.
Q. Where is the money collected from the Symons Gate HOA fees spent?
A. The Symons Gate HOA sends audited financial statements to every member prior to the Annual General Meeting. The annual budget is also posted on www.symonsgate-connect.com. Funds collect by the HOA contribute to the following:
* Administration (e.g. Insurance, AGM, Website, Audit, Accounting, Legal, Office Supplies, Bank Charges, Staffing)
* Community Amenities – HOA owned amenities/land within the Community (e.g. entry features) (e.g. Utilities, Seasonal Lights, Landscaping, Repair & Maintenance)
* Community Events
Q. Who elects the representatives for the HOA and when does that occur?
A. Members of the Association (Symons Gate residents) elect the Resident Directors annually at the Annual General Meeting which happens in the Fall of each year.
Q. Where can I update my contact information?
A. Please email us at info@symonsgate-connect.com with the changes to be made along with your property address.